18 Jun 2024

Make Tech Fair: Join the Zero Tax Jobs Survey 2024

Are you a tech professional working in a tax-free location like Dubai, Riyadh, or Abu Dhabi? Are you curious about the average IT salary in Dubai or the average wage in Dubai for tech professionals? Perhaps you want to know the average salary in Dubai for a software engineer? Or average salaries in Saudi Arabia? Maybe you just want to see how your salary and work conditions compare to other people nearby?

At Zero Tax Jobs, we're committed to helping software engineers and tech professionals in Dubai understand their competition. We've already built helpful tools like our Dubai Software Engineer Salary and Cost of Living Calculator, where you can quickly get an idea of how much you could earn and how much it costs to live in Dubai. However to offer these tools and help improve transparency around salaries in locations like Dubai and Saudi Arabia we need more data.

That's why I am excited to announce the Zero Tax Jobs Tech Workers Survey 2024. This survey is your opportunity to contribute to a more transparent and fair tech industry in income tax-free locations such as Dubai, Riyadh and other locations worldwide. By sharing your experiences, you'll help me highlight salary trends, work conditions, and opportunities in these regions. After I analyse the responses and share the results with you, we'll know a whole lot more about the average wage in Dubai or salaries in Saudi Arabia and a better understanding of the work conditions we can expect.

Why Participate?

  • Make Your Voice Heard: Your input will help me advocate for better policies and practices that benefit the tech community as a whole.
  • Gain Insights: I'll be collating and sharing the survey results, giving you a clear picture of the tech industry landscape in your local area, including data on the Dubai median salary and the average income in Saudi Arabia.
  • Support Transparency: Your participation will contribute to building a more open and equitable tech industry.

How to Participate

The survey is online, completely anonymous, and takes just a few minutes. Take the survey here. Or you can copy and paste this link:

Spread the Word

Share the survey with other tech workers in your network. The more participants we have, the more accurate and impactful the results will be.

Why am I doing this?

I recently carried out my own salary research and created a comprehensive Dubai salary guide for 2024. There are lots of great insights in there and clear estimates for how much you can earn in the United Arab Emirates. However, it was clear to me that there was not enough data to build a complete picture. In other words, we need more transparency around salaries and work conditions to give people the full picture about what it's like to work in places like Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh.

I won't be able to do it without your help so thanks in advance for your participation and support!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your understanding of the tech industry in tax-free locations. Sign up for my newsletter to stay updated on the latest job opportunities and salary trends in Dubai, Riyadh and beyond.

You can grab the Dubai salary guide and join my mailing list here 👇

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